
Tim's Stuff v02

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Raspberry Pi Projects Information


  • openmediavault- The open network attached storage solution Images for Raspberry Pi.

Security Camera

  • motionEyeOS- motionEyeOS is a Linux distribution that turns a single-board computer into a video surveillance system. The OS is based on BuildRoot and uses motion as a backend and motionEye for the frontend.

RFID Door Lock


  • AAC-PI- The AAC-PI is a software application which can be installed onto a Raspberry PI to communicate to Modbus or BACnet systems. When configured as a gateway it can bridge between Modbus and BACnet protocols seamlessly.It is fully programmable via a graphical engineering tool and has support for BACnet Alarms, Schedules and Trendlogs. Commercial ($49 without Pi) but interesting.

DIN Rail Mounts


Miscellaneous Stuff

raspberry_pi_projects.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/03 13:25 by tlpalmer